Danish Producers' Association

The Producers' Association is the industry organization for producers of film and television.

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The Danish Producers' Association is the industry and employers' organization for Danish content producers - that is, producers of feature films, TV, documentaries and commercials. In this section you will find a brief introduction to the association in English. Most of the website is in Danish. 

The producers' association is a trade association and an employers' association. This means that, on the one hand, the association seeks political influence and represents the members' interests in relation to politicians, rights organisations, public institutions, broadcasters and advertising agencies, which influence the production conditions. On the other hand - as an employers' association - the Danish Producers' Association negotiates agreements with the employee groups that are relevant.

Political influence
Both film and TV production are regulated via four- or five-year political agreements, and the Danish Producers' Association works continuously to secure the producers' interests in connection with film and media agreements.

The film agreement determines the terms for the Danish Film Institute's support for feature films and short and documentary films. The media agreement defines the general guidelines for DR and TV 2 Denmark in particular, including requirements for DR's presentation and for how the two public service broadcasters are committed to Danish film.

In all contexts, the Producers' Association works to improve the producers' conditions in relation to development and production as well as in relation to protecting and commercializing rights.

Legal advice
The secretariat provides advice to the members on contracts and other matters in specific situations - especially advice on legal issues regarding collective agreements, contracts and copyright. Find all our agreements and the associated contracts here The association has an agreement with the Danish Actors' Association, The Filmworkers Union FAF, the Danish Writers Guild and the Danish Union of Journalists.

The structure of the association
The producer association's highest authority is the general assembly, which is held each year before the end of March. Here the members approve the accounts for the past year and the budget and quota for the coming year. The board is elected by the respective member groups at member meetings in the period leading up to the general meeting, and the new board is presented at the general meeting.
The board consists of representatives for all the statutory production categories: Feature films, short and documentary films, television and commercials, information & corporate. The board constitutes itself with a chairperson and deputy chairpersons. The members of the board are elected for two years at a time.

The political positions are determined either at the member meeting in the respective member groups or in the area committee for the group. The board's role is to determine the overall strategy for the entire association.

Rights management
Producers' rights to, among other things, cable retransmission and digital exploitations is handled through the association Producentrettigheder Denmark, PRD.